Have you lost hope? – Psalm 119:114 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Divine Protection and Hope in Psalm 119:114

In this video, we explore the comforting words of Psalm 119:114 and… (visit YouTube for more)


If there’s any sort of trouble in your life of any kind, my friend, come with me and meditate on Psalm 119, verse 114. You are my hiding place and my shield. I hope in your word.

Shield and shelter. God is both of these things. That means we are completely protected by God. What sort of protection is it that God gives us?

He shields us from everything that he doesn’t want us to experience. And he shields us from death itself.

Now you may find that in your life you go through things that you don’t enjoy at all. I certainly have had my fair share of unpleasant experiences that I rather would not have happened. Why didn’t God shield me from those?

Well God, as a loving father, who has children living in a completely fallen world, he does what is necessary for us to grow, for us to develop, for us to obtain discipline and maturity, and for his purposes to be fulfilled, and for him to be glorified. There are many purposes at work here in our lives, if we can but see that.

And in the midst of it all, he remains our shelter and shield. So we go to him when we need saving from anything. Some situations he will allow to continue, others he will prevent and still more, of which we have no knowledge, he’s prevented from happening in the first place.

And throughout all of this, he makes sure that our eternal future is absolutely 100 percent secure with him. So that when this brief life is over, we will be with him in glory, shielded and sheltered.

To God be the glory. We worship and honour you, God, and we recognise and thank you for your protection through this life and into the next. We have hope in you and your word. Amen.

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