Good news for EVERYONE – Ephesians 2:17 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding Jesus’s Inclusive Gospel of Peace | Ephesians 2:17 Explained

In this episode, we explore the comprehensiv… (visit YouTube for more)


Jesus’s triumph, Jesus’s gospel, could not be any more comprehensive. Ephesians chapter 2 verse 17. And he came and preached peace to you who were far off, and peace to those who were near.

When Jesus came to earth, all of those who were Jews assumed that the gospel would be for them. They were God’s chosen people, and they were right. But then all the Gentiles, they could be prone to assuming that the gospel wasn’t for them.

And Paul says, no, Jesus came and said, it’s for everyone, for those of you who were far from God. And then through Jesus ministry, he actually flips it around. And he says that some of those who assumed they were close to God, like the Pharisees, weren’t close at all.

They thought they were righteous and they were far from it. They neglected the most important parts of God’s law, in particular, love for everyone. They were hanging difficult weights around people’s necks.

And Jesus says to them, Peace to those who are far off. You self righteous people, you get peace from God too.

Jesus salvation is not discriminating. The only requirement is for us to submit and say, Yes, Lord, please save me, I repent. And then regardless of whether you are an Israelite, a Gentile, self righteous, humble, all of us can obtain peace with our Heavenly Father, because that was Jesus mission.

Jesus preached peace to all, and he meant it.

Oh, our Lord Jesus, thank you for your great grace towards all of us, none of whom deserve your sacrifice for us. Please help us to remain humble before you, gracious with others, and ever ready to share the good news. Amen.

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