Fed by the Bread of Life – John 6:35 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Bread of Life: Satisfying Spiritual Hunger and Thirst

In this episode, we explore the concept of spiritual hunger a… (visit YouTube for more)


Are you aware of being spiritually hungry or thirsty? Here’s the solution for that. John chapter 6 verse 35. Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."

And we know that in the Last Supper Jesus gave his disciples bread, which represented his body, to eat, to fill their hunger, and wine, which represented his blood, to quench their thirst.

And Jesus says to us, come to me, come, weary ones, come hungry and thirsty ones. The truest hunger, the truest thirst; we’re not simply talking about physical issues here. We’re talking about the real truth, the spiritual truth. That hunger and thirst that you feel in your soul with every fibre of your being is a longing for God.

That hunger and thirst, that dryness, that need that nothing else satisfies will only be satisfied by coming to Jesus. Have you ever been so thirsty that nothing but water would do and when you drink it, it’s the best thing you’ve ever drunk? That’s what it’s like coming to Jesus with our spiritual hunger and thirst. It will always be the best food, the best refreshment we have ever and will ever receive. Come to Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus, for feeding our spirits. Thank you for refreshing us. Thank you that you are the source of everything that is true and pure and good for us. We honour you and worship you and we come to you. Amen.

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