Elders pray for healing – James 5:14 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Power of Prayer and Anointing for Healing in James 5:14

In this episode, we delve into James 5:14, which advises be… (visit YouTube for more)


James chapter 5 verse 14. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

Now James doesn’t say that anointing with oil or prayer of the elders is automatically going to heal everybody, but he does say this is what we should be doing. If someone’s sick, go and grab your elders. Get them to pray.

Proceed in a holy and righteous and sacred manner in relation to illness. Because illness is part of the fall, it’s part of the curse that’s on this planet that we all labour under.

But God still heals, He does. He chooses when and how He’s going to heal, but he wants us to participate in this. He wants us to gather those who are in spiritual authority over us, who are leading us in the faith, and get them to pray.

There are so many reasons for doing this, not only that it might lead to healing. We know that God wants to be asked for things. We know that God wants a two way communication. We know that he puts elders and leaders in place as a blessing to us.

And part of their responsibility is to care, not just for the spiritual needs of their congregation, but for the physical needs too. It is right and appropriate for the elders to be involved in this dialogue, this conversation with God saying, My brother, my sister, is unwell. Lord, will you please minister to him or her?

And this is a sign, it’s a declaration that we believe in healing, we believe in the church as God ordained it, we believe in authority as delegated by God, and we believe in God. We believe in a God who loves us, who cares for us, and wants to heal us in this life or the next. Let us accept this verse as a principle to live by.

God, we look to you for direction. We look to you for healing. We look to you for our welfare. You are the source of everything good. We will follow your word. Amen.

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