DON’T be your best self – 1 Corinthians 1:27 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


God’s Surprising Choices: Finding Strength in Weakness

In this episode, we explore how God’s choices defy human expecta… (visit YouTube for more)


God doesn’t think the way that we think, and there’s great comfort for us in this. Look at 1 Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 27. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong.

When God is picking his heroes, he’s not using the criteria that we would use to pick heroes. Think about Zacchaeus, this little guy stuck up a tree trying to find Jesus, trying to see him, trying to look over the heads of everyone else. He’s a cheat, he’s a swindler. Jesus says, "Zacchaeus, you’re the one for me, I’m going to dine with you." And Zacchaeus is radically transformed.

Think about Gideon. This guy, he’s hiding from the enemies as he’s threshing, and the Angel of the Lord appears to him, and Gideon says, "I’m the smallest of the small! You can’t possibly want to pick me!"

And why does God do this? Why does God pick the people that we wouldn’t pick? It is because, in this way, they are transformed, and God is glorified.

This whole universe is about the glory of God. Because God is glorious and that’s a good thing, it’s okay, it’s right and proper for God to be glorified. So when he picks the foolish and the weak and he works through them, everybody looks at those people and go. "Wow! That’s amazing. I never thought that he or she would do or achieve that."

And they can say, "Well, genuinely, glory to God. Because it’s God working through me that shames the wise, that shames the strong." God Almighty works through us.

And if we’re ever tempted to write ourselves off, because of our weaknesses, our inadequacies, our sins, our failings read this verse, meditate on it, and see that God does not need us to be in any way perfect. Because then, He is revealed and glorified in us.

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