Do unto others – Matthew 7:12 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The True Meaning of the Golden Rule: Living Out Matthew 7:12

In this episode, we delve into the profound message of Mat… (visit YouTube for more)


This saying of Jesus is so famous and familiar that we might be treating it with contempt. See what you think. Matthew chapter 7 verse 12. "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

Do we think about how we really want to be treated by people around us?

We would love to be pushed to the front of the queue. "Go on, you go first. I’m sure your time is important." We’d love to be given the biggest portion of pie. We would love to be told that we’re amazing and for that to be meant genuinely. These are things that we would love to happen to us, wouldn’t we, in our heart of hearts.

And how much time and effort do we put then into doing and saying these things to others? Because it is only in treating people with the love we wish we were treated, it’s only in doing that that we are showing the love that is demanded by the Law and the Prophets, which is another way of saying all the testimony of Scripture. All the testimony of Scripture requires us to treat people with a profound, over the top love.

We are not measured by God on how we behave and what we do. Nevertheless, we have this responsibility, this duty as faithful children, as children who are loved and who love God, to behave as Christians. And Christians do this if they’re really walking the way that Jesus walked.

Jesus called to himself the prostitutes, the outcasts, the cheats, the swindlers, and he showed them that they were valuable people. Are we going to do to others as we would have them do to us?

Lord Jesus, you are such a fine example to us. You showed us the way. It is hard for us to follow, but you have given us your Holy Spirit to help us. And we thank you for that. May we be a credit to you in the way we treat other people. Amen.

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