Who sells the gospel? – 2 Corinthians 2:17 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Sincerity in Ministry: Balancing Financial Reward and Spiritual Integrity

In this episode, we explore what it means to … (visit YouTube for more)


What do we say to people who want to make a living from the Word of God? What would Paul say? Look at 2 Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 17. For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God’s word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God, we speak in Christ.

We have to keep a check on our hearts if we move into Christian leadership and we are financially rewarded for this. It’s okay to do so. It’s okay to be financially rewarded for your service.

Paul says, don’t muzzle the oxen while it’s treading out the grain. However what is our motive? Have we decided that we want money and one way of getting money is by preaching the word of God or by going on YouTube and making videos?

Is that our purpose? Is that our motivation? Jesus said you cannot serve two masters, God and mammon, or money. You can’t be divided in your loyalties.

First and foremost, Paul is saying he was sincere in his commission, he was sincere in the word that he was speaking, he was a sincere believer and the reason he wanted to spread the gospel was because Jesus had asked him to, not because that was a way he could earn a living.

So let us be on guard against this. If you go to a church meeting and the first thing you are asked for in that meeting is money, maybe consider whether you want to remain there. And if you are in Christian ministry and you are receiving a reward, a financial reward for that, why not consider it as your time being released so that you can serve God, not that you’re pursuing money to live.

Let us be people of sincerity, doing what God asks of us, first and foremost. If our time is released through a salary, then great. But if not, we carry on doing whatever it is that God has asked us to do. And let us all, in the sight of God, speak in Christ.

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