What are you following? – Jeremiah 17:9 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Why Following Your Heart is a Bad Idea: Biblical Insights

In this episode, we explore why following your heart can lead… (visit YouTube for more)


Christians and non Christians alike are often told to follow our hearts. That’s a really bad idea. Look at Jeremiah 17 verse 9. The heart is deceitful, above all things, and desperately sick. Who can understand it?

Jeremiah’s saying, who can understand this thing? These emotions, these feelings, this motivation, who can understand it? Answer, no one. It’s chaos in there. It is not reliable. It is not godly. It fights against the way of God.

Above all things, our hearts can lead us into trouble. And tell me I’m wrong. Have you never been led into trouble by following your heart?

Now, this is not to say that us Christians who have a regenerated nature can never listen to our hearts. No, of course we can. The heart is a good guide to how we’re feeling. The heart is perceptive. Our emotions tell us lots of things, but they are not our benchmark or our cornerstone. They are not our foundation of life. The word of God is.

Our hearts can easily lead us astray. And our heads can too, by the way. This is not a case of the head being better than the heart. This is not that false dichotomy. The only way we can be sure of direction in our life is to follow the Word of God because God’s Word is a light to our feet, to our path. It shows us the way ahead.

First and foremost, we follow Jesus. And if the direction that our hearts want to take us is different from the direction that the gospel takes us, then guess what? We follow the gospel and we ignore our hearts.

Lord God, you understand us completely. Please help us to remember to listen to you, to seek your direction in all things, and please mend our hearts. Thank you, God. Amen.

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