Want to be chosen? – Isaiah 6:8 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Embracing God’s Call: The Challenge of Isaiah 6:8

In this episode, we delve into Isaiah 6:8, where the Prophet Isaiah e… (visit YouTube for more)


I feel really challenged by what we see in Isaiah today. This is Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8. And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am, send me."

Now, I was never particularly sporty as a child. So I was always the one at the back of the line, picked last for any kind of endeavour.

But here we’ve got somebody going, "Me, me, me, Lord, pick me. Pick me first." God is saying, who’s going to go and do this thing for me? Who is going to proclaim my good news? Who is going to prophesy over this nation? Who will it be? And Isaiah wants it to be him.

Am I that keen to be picked by God? Because we know, don’t we, when God asks us to do things, it almost always involves some personal cost. How ready are we to be chosen by God to do His will?

It sounds great in theory, it’s nice for us to be the one spreading the gospel in theory, but what about when the people start picking up the stones to throw at us? Are we ready for that? That’s what makes this so challenging.

So I have to look in my heart and say, Rob, are you ready for anything that God asks of you? Whatever the implications. Honestly, I’m not sure the answer’s always yes. Because, I’d quite like an easy life. Would you?

But God hasn’t promised us an easy life. He’s promised us a blessed life with a great eternal future. And I think given all that God has in store for us, it is well worth our while saying, here I am, Lord, send me.

God, you know that we can be weak sometimes, that we can be afraid. But Lord, please send us. Please send us to do your will, whatever that might be in our lives. We want to serve your purposes. We want to see your kingdom come increasingly right now in our generation. Send us Lord. Amen.

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