Using the best language – Ephesians 4:29 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Building Up with Our Words: Reflections on Ephesians 4:29

In this episode, we delve into Ephesians 4:29, exploring the … (visit YouTube for more)


In Ephesians chapter 4 verse 29, Paul says this: Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

So I think I should preface this with a disclaimer, that I fail at this standard. Let no corrupting talk come out of my mouth. What does that mean? What’s corrupting talk? Anything that has a tendency to be evil, or to tear others down, or to cause damage. And that is so easily done.

It’s so easy for me, in the heat of the moment, to say something to my wife or my friends that wounds them. And how often have I heard an interesting piece of information about someone and thought, ooh, I need to tell someone else about that. But really all I’m doing is passing on gossip.

Now, Jesus has forgiven me for all of this. But still, we have this standard to maintain because for the sake of the gospel, and in order not to bring Jesus’s name into disrepute, we need to be the ones that are building up, that are edifying by the things that we say all the time.

As I record this, we’re building up to an election in the UK. Are the things that I’m saying likely to promote good thinking about the candidates? Or am I belittling or demeaning or tearing down members of a political party that I may not agree with?

How do we make our speech good only for building up fit to the occasion and giving grace?

Lord, please lead us into good ways of talking. I thank you that you forgive us for all the times that we fail, and yet we still want to be obedient children who are good representatives of your gospel in this world. Please help us to bring grace through our speech. Amen.

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