Unique giving of Christ – John 14:27 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Unmatched Generosity of Jesus’ Peace – John 14:27 Reflection

In this episode, we delve into Jesus’ words from John … (visit YouTube for more)


Let’s focus a little today, not just on what Jesus has given us, but on how he gives it to us. This is him speaking in John chapter 14, verse 27. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

And this is a lovely verse where Jesus is bringing comfort to his disciples. But look in particular at that second sentence. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. What is it that’s different about the way that Jesus gives us this gift of peace?

When the world gives us something, they give it because they think we deserve it. So we receive our pay in our work because we’ve done the work. Or we have relationships with people, where we’ve done something for them, so they do something for us in return. Or people give us something, expecting something in return.

None of that is the case here with Jesus. He’s not giving the way the world gives. This gift of peace we haven’t earned. And this gift of peace, we don’t have to repay him for. This is such a free and generous gift. It’s remarkable for that.

And he does this in all sincerity, with no expectation of us doing anything in return. And yet we must do something in return, mustn’t we? We must be grateful, we must be obedient, we must be faithful to him. But the gift of peace comes with no such conditions. What a beautiful picture this is of the selfless sacrifice of our Lord.

Thank you Jesus that you do give us peace but thank you that you give it so generously and freely. Thank you that you don’t expect anything from us in return and what could we give you in return, Lord? You have been, and you are always, and you always will be, so good to us. Thank you. Amen.

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