To whom should we listen? – Acts 4:19 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Boldness in Faith: Learning from Peter and John

In this episode, we delve into Acts 4:19 and explore the boldness of Pe… (visit YouTube for more)


Oh may God give us the boldness of Peter and John. Look at this, Acts chapter 4 verse 19. But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge."

So a little bit of background. Peter and John have been involved in the healing of a lame beggar. And then they’re hauled before the Jerusalem council, which includes the high priest, and they are now being told, you must stop preaching in the name of Jesus.

And the attitude of Peter and John is, well, just listen a moment, guys. Who are we supposed to be paying attention to? You? You are obviously very illustrious. Or God, who stands above us all?

There’s not really much that the high priest can say to that, is there? The high priest is supposed to be a servant of God, so clearly he’s going to say, well, we follow God first and foremost.

So how do we apply this verse to ourselves? We are going to face criticism and opposition in the world whenever we follow the way of Christ. Certainly if we proclaim the good news of Jesus, people are going to tell us to shut up, talk about something else.

And we can say to them, now I am accountable to God for this. Who am I supposed to be listening to? Him who is telling me to talk to you? Or you, who are telling me to stop. I’m sorry, but I answer to a higher authority than you.

This is not a licence for us to be insensitive or callous, but we absolutely must speak with boldness. We must serve God with boldness. We must walk the way that Jesus walked with boldness, knowing that it is God’s approval and God’s mandate that comes first and foremost as we decide how to live our lives.

Lord God, thank you for speaking to us. Please help us to hear your voice more loudly than anyone else’s, so that we are not turned aside from the path you’ve laid out for us, because it is to you we must answer, the judge of all. We worship and honour you, God. Amen.

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