Our social responsibility – Proverbs 31:8 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


This episode reflects on Proverbs 31:8, discussing the responsibility to advocate for those who cannot speak for themsel… (visit YouTube for more)


Do we ever think about the amount of responsibility that has been placed on us? This is Proverbs 31 verse 8. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute.

How many people that we see who are homeless go to the polling booths to vote? It will be none of them. Wherever you live, in order to vote you must have an address, mustn’t you? These people who have lost almost everything have no voice.

They have no way of speaking into our society and saying, "This is what I need." So the responsibility falls on us. It falls on us not to be condescending, but to speak up for those who cannot speak.

We are to love our neighbours. That is, those who are around us and in need. We open our mouths for those who cannot open theirs. We speak up for their rights.

It is very easy for us to run our lives around our own needs or the needs of our families. But no, the Bible says we must go much further than that.

Yes, we have a responsibility to look after ourselves and to look after our families and to look after our church families. But way beyond that, the Bible is so concerned with looking after those who are poor, who are in need, who have no one to protect them. And if not us, then who?

And so for this meditation we really need to ask ourselves the question, What am I going to do? How am I going to open my mouth for someone who can’t open theirs? How am I going to stand up for the rights of those who have lost everything?

Lord Jesus, you showed us an incredible way of grace and compassion, and we are honoured to follow you in this as in everything. Lord God, please teach us and give us boldness to speak out and to pursue good for those who society has rejected or neglected. Amen.

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