Seeking the Face of God: A Heartfelt Meditation on Psalm 27:8
In this episode, we explore the divine command from Psalm… (visit YouTube for more)
We should operate in obedience to the word of God, including this verse. Psalm 27, verse eight. You have said, seek my face. My heart says to you, your face, Lord, do I seek.
The psalmist, who here is David, has received that command from God. This command, Seek My Face, actually it’s addressed to the multitude. Everybody, Seek My Face, God says. He wants everyone to be pursuing Him.
And David replies that in his heart, he is longing, he is looking for God. Your face Lord do I seek. And that needs to be the cry of our hearts.
God is saying to us today and every day come and find me. Look for me.
We need to be intentional about it, we need to desire God, we need to turn our hearts towards him. Are we doing that?
We do this in meditation. We are not simply saying we are studying the words of God. We’re saying we’re seeking you, God. We’re longing for you.
And what is important about the face of God? His face shines. Light comes from him. This is constantly referred to as a metaphor in scripture.
Goodness is found in the face of God. This is where his eyes are, which look at us, and we can look back to him and find a really true heart to heart connection.
Can you believe that? That we can have a heart to heart connection with somebody so superior to us, in every respect. He wants to be in relationship with us. He wants to have a face to face relationship with us. God is delighted when we delight in him.
Lord God, we do seek your face. Thank you for your presence with us in these moments of meditation. You are glorious and we love you. Amen.