How big is God? – 2 Chronicles 6:18 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Solomon’s Realisation: God’s Vastness Cannot Be Contained

Join today’s meditation as we delve into Solomon’s profound r… (visit YouTube for more)


In today’s meditation, we get to take a peek at Solomon having his mind blown. He’s just finished building the temple. They brought the ark into the temple of God, and now he’s dedicating it. And in the middle of his prayer, he says this. This is 2 Chronicles 6 verse 18. "But will God indeed dwell with man on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain you, how much less this house that I have built."

So he’s spend all these years creating a temple for God, knowing that God’s going to dwell there, and it’s just dawned on him. How can God fit in this temple? He’s vast. Not even heaven is big enough for God.

And heaven is the place where we typically view God as residing there. Heaven can’t contain him. How much less this teeny tiny temple. How can the vastness of God be manifest in such a small place?

And God did that again, didn’t he? Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby, a tiny baby,. He was God. He was the immensity of God in a human figure.

And as with many things that God does, He leaves us with this mystery. He leaves us with our minds blown. How can the vastness of God live either in a temple or or in a person.

Will God, indeed, dwell with man on the earth? Yes, He does. This can only draw us to worship. Someone so immense, so vast, so powerful, stoops so low and spends time with us, his beloved children.

God, we worship you. We cannot understand everything there is to know about you, God. But you have revealed yourself to us, and we thank you for that. And we thank you for Jesus, and we thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We worship and honour you. Amen.

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