Eyewitness Testimonies in the Bible: Reliable and Confirmed #meditation #biblemeditation #miracle


Eyewitness Testimonies of God’s Miracles in the Bible

This video reflects on the eyewitness testimonies and reliable ac… (visit YouTube for more)


If we look through the Bible, we have eyewitness testimonies of the things that God has done, reliable accounts, accounts that confirm each other in the Gospels. Mary was actually a virgin when she became pregnant. Jesus did actually turn water into wine. Remember those things.

Thank you God for all that you’ve done for us. So many things throughout time and throughout our lives. Thank you for your miracles. Thank you for the words you speak to us.

Thank you that you have given us plenty of reason to know you, to believe in you, to accept what you’ve done. To be your children. Amen.

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