Need peaceful sleep? – Psalm 4:8 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Peace and Safety in God’s Sovereignty: Reflections on Psalm 4:8

In this episode, we explore the message of Psal… (visit YouTube for more)


In peace, I will both lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. That’s Psalm chapter 4, verse 8, and it speaks to me of God’s sovereignty. David, the Psalmist who wrote this, had a profound understanding of God’s control and authority over the universe. If he needed to sleep peacefully, he did that in the knowledge, and because of the knowledge, that God is in charge.

Now, whatever circumstances we face in our life, which may include times when we don’t feel safe at all, we can still accept, we can still know, we can still believe that God controls our destiny, ultimately. When we make our commitment to Jesus Christ, when we turn away from our sin and choose to follow him, that absolutely, 100 percent guarantees our eternal safety.

And the Psalmist knows this. He knows that he can trust God with his life.

When he says that you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety, I think the focus here is on the "you alone". Nobody else can guarantee safety so completely, so comprehensively, so eternally as God can. That’s why, that is one of many reasons why we worship Him. Our safety guaranteed is a reason for peace. It’s a reason to let those troubles leave our minds for a while. And gently lose consciousness knowing that whether we wake up or not, we are safe with our God.

Thank you, God, that when you grant us peaceful sleep, that is a blessing from you. Thank you even more than that, that you grant us eternal life. And we look forward to dwelling with you in your presence and worshiping you face to face, oh God. Amen.

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