Is God listening? – Jeremiah 29:12 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


In Jeremiah 29:12, we have a welcome reminder of the character of God and his warmth towards us.

Jeremiah 29:12
Then yo… (visit YouTube for more)


Today we’re meditating on Jeremiah 29 verse 12. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and I will hear you.

There’s something about that phrase, "Call upon me," that reminds me, I don’t know if it’s a bit old fashioned now, but when we were going to visit someone, we used to say, we’re going to go call on him. We’re going to call on our friends. And God is here waiting for us to do that, to go visit him.

This is in the context of a chapter where God is saying to the Israelites, you’re going into exile, and then you’re going to come back. And when you come back, you’ll call on me.

So imagine we’ve got this long lost friend we haven’t seen for a long time. We’ve been away from them. It’s entirely our fault. And then we go and call on them. And they are delighted to see us. Not only are they delighted, they want to listen to us.

God says, I will hear you. God is like that. Remember the story of the prodigal son and the father, how delighted he was that his son came home. There was no recrimination, there was just love.

And God is so like that. And if you are feeling like you’ve wandered away from God today, don’t worry. He’s not mad at you. He just wants you to come back, to call on him, to pray to him, and he will hear, he will listen.

He is such a loving God. He is just, but he is so loving towards us, particularly those of us that have accepted what Jesus did on our behalf to put our relationship right with him. So let’s do that today.

Father God, we call on you, we pray to you, and we thank you that you will and do hear us. You are such a good God to us. Amen.

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