Do you have plans? – Proverbs 19:21 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Whose purposes should we pursue? Let’s see what Proverbs 19:21 says!

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in the mind … (visit YouTube for more)


Today we meditate on Proverbs 19 verse 21. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

One of my earliest memories is from when I was about four, and I was lying in bed, and I stretched my arms out, and I said, "I’m five now because I’ve got long arms!"

Even a few moments after that, I realised how ridiculous that sounded. But now, of course, as an adult, I can look at that young boy and just smile.

And sometimes I think that’s how God is with us. You know, we say, "I’m going to have this amazing job. I’m going to earn so much money. I’m going to get the house, the car, the wife."

And God might look at us and say, "Son, no you’re not." Or God might look at us and say, "Yes, son, you will. But it will be me that does that, not you." We can have many plans in our life, things that we want to achieve. But they are just dreams that can evaporate.

Ultimately, we need to pursue the purpose of the Lord, because that is the only substantial purpose that there is. How do we line up our lives with God’s purposes? We have to study what He wants for us. We have to learn who He is. We have to spend time with Him. Become His friend.

Then we will be safe and secure in good purposes, the best purposes. Purposes that are way better than any that we could conceive. We want all sorts of things that God knows wouldn’t be very good for us. So why would we not just say to God, "Okay, Lord, I’m laying my plans down. Let’s do things your way, because that’s always going to turn out better."

Lord God, please help us to keep our minds, our eyes, and our hearts fixed on you. We know that you have good purposes for us. We know that your plans are always good plans. God, we know that we can trust you. Thank you for leading us. Amen.

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