Something feels ‘off’? – Romans 8:23 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding Our Inner Groaning: The Firstfruits of the Spirit

Do you ever feel like something’s not quite right with … (visit YouTube for more)


Do you ever feel like something’s not quite right with the world? That something’s not quite right with your life? For those of us who’ve received the Holy Spirit, who’ve accepted Christ, Paul tells us there’s a reason for that. Romans 8: 23. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.

What happened right back at the start with our Father Adam and our Mother Eve, did violence to Creation. Through them, sin came into the world, and everything fell. You know, the Apostle Paul says, the good that I want to do, I can’t do, and the evil that I don’t want to do, I do. There’s a reason for that. He is fallen. We are fallen. We live in a fallen world.

And we see so many things happening on this planet that are just wrong. They were never the way God wanted them to be. We’ve had to go through all of this. All of this chaos, this trauma, this decay, this death because we rebelled against God.

But now we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us as a kind of firstfruit and this is giving us a taste of something better. We now have a sense of how things ought to be. We now start to get an insight into what the world and creation will be like when God renews it after the return of Christ. It is no wonder that we groan inwardly, that we feel like something is wrong because it is wrong.

But there’s good news. God is going to make it right. He’s going to undo what we did. And He’s going to make it all better. Better in more ways than one. Better than it is now. Better than it ever was.

Does something feel wrong to you about the world, about your life? Take heart. God is making everything better in the fulness of time as his purposes are finally revealed. May God bless you today.

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