The Light of the World – John 8:12 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Walking in the Light: Understanding Jesus’ Message in John 8:12

In this meditation, we reflect on Jesus’ profound state… (visit YouTube for more)


Today, let us meditate on a familiar saying of Jesus in John 8 verse 12. Again, Jesus spoke to them saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

What is this light that Jesus brings from following him? How do we avoid walking in darkness?

The difference here between darkness and light is the same as the difference between a sinful life and a redeemed righteous life. So in one sense, we are walking in light when we are choosing good, when we are choosing God’s way.

But Jesus was the light for the whole world. Jesus coming to this earth lifted the veil that separated us from the things of God. He showed the way to God the Father, that no longer meant we had to make sacrifices, no longer meant that we had to spend most of the year in a sinful state, waiting for the sacrifice that would make us clean again.

Jesus’ light covers this whole world. If only we would all see it. The way that Jesus is going is a narrow path, but it’s a stable path.

Let His light shine on you today, lighting your way. Seek his advice and guidance. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to walk in this light. And let us ask for that light for everyone around us so that they too are no longer walking in darkness.

Thank you Jesus for bringing your light to this world. Help us please to spread that light abroad, wherever we go, proclaiming the gospel and showing your goodness to all. Lord, may we make disciples, followers of you, so that together we as communities, as families, as friendship groups, as nations, and on this earth can walk in the light, in your light. Amen.

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